Friday 8 October 2010

Oh how we love foundation....

So Winter is fast approaching and I love the fact that we have great people coming to train with us every Saturday and Sunday from now until the end of March to try to improve individual skills, develop knowledge and continue to generally improve and get better! I am also continually suprised with the lesson requests we have - Virginia Harry from the AGILITY VOICE is coming to stay with us in a few weeks and is also asking for foundation so I really am pleased that we have such a breadth of knowledge in this area. I also am really pleased with the numbers od new enquiries we are having, only this week I have had three new lesson enquiries for G6 and 7 handlers so am pleased we are helping this niche too :) Happy days.

We are really enjoying the YD sequencing and the new block of foundation is going really well too - some great people and great future pupstars! I think they are all going to be fab - with such dedicated owners how can they not be?